Tranformus – What you need to know.
Rearranged Monatomic Elements known as Agricultural Ormus / Seawater Gans.

The substance known today as Ormus is said to have been used as far back as the ancient Egyptian times. With limited information through the centuries since then it would seem that Ormus became an art forgotten until Dr Maynard Murray, a pioneer in biology, health and agriculture, started investigating the seas. Dr Murray’s curiosity lead him to study aquatic life, where he observed that ocean trout didn’t develop cancer, while it’s fresh water counter part developed liver cancer in the later stages of its life. This led him to deduce that the concentrated mineral content in sea water acts as a support to aquatic life’s biology, as he observed little sickness in the sea. Considering that the ocean collects the planets runoff through streams and rivers, it’s easy to reason that the oceans contain most of the mineral complexes. Dr Murray started experimenting with plants as the main source of minerals for humans. His tests involved spraying actual sea water onto crops, which was bulky, heavy and ultimately expensive to transport.
Dr Murray looked for locations where large quantities of naturally dried salts and started experimenting with sea solids. In 1976, Dr Murray published a small book titled Sea Energy Agriculture – a remarkable testimony to a natural approach to soil fertility, and a nutrition approach to medicine. Although Dr Murray knew very little about bacteria, fungi, microbes and their tightly knit symbiotic dependencies, his research paved the way towards alternative thinking and extended methods to improve soil fertility. His research was regarded as orthodox, and ignored during the petrochemical rush at that time.
“Man must stop destroying soil. We have the means and ability to make these changes. We need now only the desire.” Dr Maynard Murray.
After Dr Murray’s passing in 1984 his work was carried on by Don Jansen. Very little reached the public until 1995, when David Hudson initiated a series of lectures based on 25 years’ research. David Hudson was first to use the term “ORMEs” for “orbitally-rearranged monatomic elements.” . Progressively more people started looking into different methods to extract salts (Minerals & Elements) from sea water, specifically into a different matter state, known as m-state, plasmatic state, or nano gas solid (Gans) state. Natural salts, including the minerals and elements within them, are transformed into micro clusters of material exhibiting unique characteristics. The characteristics include near weightlessness as it appears to float when suspended in water, gas like, but solid when dried out.

Simply put, Ormus is bio-active cell food. Bio – as in life, active – for the tremendous positive impact on cellular activity. It is a broad spectrum mineral complex that all living cells thrive upon, containing over 70 different balanced minerals, many of which are rare.
Cells use minerals for energy, and Ormus is the purest form of energy available to them. This is particularly true within the soil microbiome, where mycorrhizae (fungi) supply minerals and other plant foods to plants in exchange for sugars produced by photosynthesis in a beautifully symbiotic relationship. A good supply of agricultural Ormus minerals to the root zone in the soil (and often stomata under the plant leaves) supports and greatly enhances these miraculous transactions.
Since the increase in popularity many people have researched Ormus. Various companies developed products specifically for health in animals, humans and plants. Ormus is a mineral complex used to increase life force and to promote rare earth mineral content in soil, plants, animals and humans. In farming scenarios, Ormus improves the soils rare earth mineral content which intern increases plants’ food and supports the plants symbiotic dependants, (both microbes and fungi).
Many researchers, such as Schwaller De Lubicz, Fulcanelli, Leadbeater and Besant, Artephius, Eric Cornell and Carl Wieman, Brian D. Josephson, Matti Pitkanen, Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, Pollack and much much more, working independently, have identified these materials in an altered state of matter. New studies include m-state material and its application in conductivity, fluidity, magnetic and bilocation. M-state matter or Gans is an entirely new class of materials.
Let’s take a look at some of the reported benefits as discovered by Dr Murray and others.
Benefits of Horticultural Ormus
According to Murray: “At harvest, corn smut, rust, and other cereal diseases were significantly reduced in experimental fields. Disease resistance had been fixed in plants by this complete elemental diet. The next step was to see if the resistance could be transferred from plants to animals.”
Animals, wild and domestic, had no trouble determining which was better to eat. A walk through a field showed a glimpse of animal heaven. Rabbits and mice scurried everywhere, yet a control area with standard fertilizers was almost lifeless. In 50’s, Murray began assaying crops for nutrients. Consistently, sea solids grown foods had significantly more minerals (ash content), vitamins (+25% C in tomatoes, +40% A in carrots), and sugars. Food grown with Ormus is tastier, and more nourishing.
Recent studies with growers from northern New South Wales on a range of crops and plants demonstrated the beneficial impact of Ormus on crop health, insect resistance, and fungal disease resistance.
- Increased crop yields,
- Better soil micro flora,
- Improved phototropism,
- Earlier plants production,
- Improved cellular respiration,
- Improved soil tilth and aeration,
- Improved photosynthesis,
- Increased carbohydrate content of sap,
- Stronger plant resistance to insects and disease,
- More nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil,
- Increased phosphorous-leaching fungi,
- Improved drought tolerance,
- Improved transplant tolerance,
- Larger & better tasting fruit,
- Longer produce shelf life,
- Increased mineral and vitamin content.
Artificial chemicals can temporarily push yield without due consideration for the quality of the food being produced and the impact this has on human, animal and plant health; and also leads to soil degradation. Agricultural Ormus is the ideal solution to overcome the negative impact of these harsh chemicals, while increasing yield quantity and quality, building accumulated soil and plant health among the microbiome. After all, it’s the soil that we should be farming…
Agricultural Effects of ORMUS
Professor Hou Tian Zhen, the director of the Department of Tree Physiology and Biochemistry at the Xinjiang Academy of Forestry Sciences in the People’s Republic of China, led a team of researchers evaluating the use of it in three separate experiments.
In 1989, the first experiment was conducted in the greenhouse at the An-ning Experiment Station, tomatoes treated with it averaged nearly double the number of flowers per plant and 27% more fruit. Thereafter, field experiments at the An-ning Experiment Station demonstrated that the treated green beans increased yields by 81%, sweet beets yields increased 67%, and soybeans increased 29%.In 1991 a large-scale field experiment was conducted using watermelon plots 300 meters apart in a field at the An-ning Experiment Station. Treated melons yielded 65% more than the control group.
Professor Zhen noted the hypotheses that might explain the mechanism of yield increase. While some scholars suggest it might effect the wider opening of the stomata (pores in the under side of the leaf through which gases flow in and out of the plant), another explanation was given by Dr. San Lunjing, professor at Zao-Dao-Tian University in Japan. He suggested the bioelectrical potential is shafted when the plant receives the stimulation. The shaft, in turn, generates ionic flow and such ionic flow stimulates cells resulting in optimized growth.
Other than the visual characteristics of m-state or Gans nanomaterial, it also exhibits physical properties. Elements in this alternative matter state emit energy fields similar to magnetic or electromagnetic fields. Many refer to this as Magnetic and Gravitational in nature thus adopting the term MaGrav Fields. Magnetic devices has long been applied in a water softening applications, and energy emitted by m-state matter would play a roll in structuring soil locked water bodies, specifically around the areas where Ormus was applied. Research into magnetics suggests that magnetized, structured water increases crop growth rates. Structured water is softer and easier absorbed through the plant membrane. I’m of the opinion that Ormus not only helps condition moisture content around the plants but also supply n broad range of minerals which stimulating both plant and the life around it.
Below are more testimonies from around the world and South Africa.
Harold Aungst, a Pennsylvania alfalfa grower using Ormus won every contest in his county for growth and nutrition, with 29% protein, the most tons per acre and five cuttings instead of three. He got 7.6 tons/Acre the first year using this technology, nearly double the state average of 3.4 tons/Acre. The second year that increased to 10 tons/Acre, triple the state average. Use of this new technology treated hay resulted in a 30% increase in milk production.
In 1992, JoAnn Mahaffey of Stone Ground Farm in Ontario, Canada showed a 50% yield increase over controls even though the latter were close by and received the advantage of sound.
Using Ormus, John Fergusson of Orange, New South Wales, Australia obtained 160% yield increase in plums, 130% yield increase in nectarines, and 100% in apples. All were larger, had increased sugar, and a longer shelf life. Their blueberry bushes are ready for picking 10-14 days earlier than normal, and their flavor is exceptionally sweet.
Along the Sunshine Coast in Australia, an organic citrus grower showed treated plots increased yields of 300% over the control plots and achieved an earlier maturity. His first reaction? “I laughed at it.” Now? “I’ll eat my words. It really does work.”