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Making Orgonite

Making Orgonite

The making of Orgonite may seem simple to those that have never tried. After all the base ingredients of Orgonite are resin, metals and quartz...

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Orgonite, a brief History

Orgonite, a brief History

A brief History of Orgonite – Orgonite is a man-made metaphysical substance that is crafted from resin, metal shavings, and quartz. It is said to balance bio-energy, or a subtle life energy connecting and emitted by all living things. This energy is also referred to as ‘prana’, ‘orgone’, ’chi’, Ether or indeed the Aura.

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The Science Behind Orgonite.

The Science Behind Orgonite.

Since the dawn of time; the world has been suffused with positive etheric energy (Chi) and in this positive environment; Life became possible in the first place and thrived in good health for eons.

With the discovery of electrical generation; Mankind inadvertently also discovered the way to disrupt the etheric field of the Earth with increasingly devastating consequences.

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