Tersia - African Goddess Owner

Welcome to African Goddess Creations, a company set up by founder Tersia Engelbrecht in 2010 in Johannesburg which has since moved to the beautiful area of Hillcrest in KwaZulu Natal.

AGC started our journey at Bryanston Organic Market, trading with a small suitcase, back then it was all about hand bead embroidered fashion accessories, lovingly handcrafted to perfection. In the years to follow spirit called upon Tersia and since then the AGC range has evolved from handcrafted fashion accessories to Handcrafted Orgonite, the addition of TransfOrmus – Ormus Products and an exciting new range of Home Décor items.

In the spirit of creating local empowerment and employment, African Goddess Creations is undertaking to set up relationships with local artists with the vision of including their work on the AGC e-commerce store, as well as to provide them with training to broaden their skill set.  We will be tracking these success stories in our Blog Section.

More recently the focus has been on the production of Orgonite, AGC’s Orgonite is not only functional but beautiful as well.

Orgonite is a man-made metaphysical substance that has a range of benefits including better sleep with more vivid dreams, EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequency) and EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) protection, purifies the atmosphere, restructures water, accelerates plant growth and gives a general sense of spiritual and physical wellbeing.

There is a myriad of dis-information surrounding Orgonite, even Tersia’s husband, Vaughn du Preez was ever the sceptic when it came to Orgonite until he experienced the benefits for himself.

Orgonite Cut away Pic
African Goddess Core Team

Vaughn’s son Noah used to experience terrible night terrors which came to a grinding halt after Noah happened upon a heart shaped Orgonite piece that Tersia had produced. He claimed it as his own and even began carrying it to school with him every day. That piece of Orgonite still sits on his bedside table to this day with him now sporting a pendant around his neck for personal protection.

Vaughn made it his mission to delve deeper into the science behind Orgonite despite the countless testimonials from people of all walks of life concerning the benefits they had experienced.

For more information on the history of Orgonite, what Orgonite consists of, the benefits of Orgonite and a detailed look at the science behind Orgonite, please visit our Education pages.

For more information on the history of Orgonite, what Orgonite consists of, the benefits of Orgonite and a detailed look at the science behind Orgonite, please visit our Blog pages.

ORMUS is a group of essential minerals (including the platinum group minerals) that replenishes essential minerals that have been depleted from our diets through environmental degradation, modern agricultural techniques, and contemporary dietary practices. It is derived from salt sources through ancient, but newly re-discovered alchemical processes. It aids in health, healing, and enhances our connection to the spiritual aspects of farming.

Soil treated with Ormus yields incredible results, in both the size of fruit and vegetables and the quality.

For more information on what Ormus is and its range of benefits please visit our education pages where you will find a scientific study of its benefits done on a farm in the winelands of Cape Town by our supplier TransfOrmus.

TransfOrmus EnOrmusBud - 100ml Accelerate your plant growth!
Orgonite Earrings with Amazonite, Copper Leafing and Stainless Steel Findings

Aside from the retail range available on the website, AGC also offers a custom service…so if you can dream it up; we guarantee to make it our personal mission to bring it to life. You can view some of our commissioned and custom pieces in our Blog.

Since our humble beginnings in 2010, we spread our wings in 2020.  A small yellow suitcase has been replaced by a fully functioning small business, we thank each and every one of you who have made this a possibility for us!

We have National retailers signed up as well as our E-commerce store that ships internationally, which has seen us ship Orgonite to customers in Australia, England, New Zealand, Porto Rico and America to name a few.

Orgonite 7cm Pyramid with Crystals for Communication
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